Hello! Please introduce yourself.

Hiya! My name is Chloé Wilson.

Tell us a little more about what you do on the Great West Way.

So, I work at The Royal Mint Experience as an Assistant Operations and Retail Manager, and we are proud to be within easy reach of the Great West Way! The Royal Mint Visitor Attraction is perfect for a day visit for anyone staying at the western end of the Great West Way.

The Royal Mint Experience

What do you love most about your job?

I love our team here at The Royal Mint Experience, we are like a family, and this makes every day coming into work a whole lot brighter. I also enjoy being in a customer facing role, as I get to meet new people every day and assist them with their needs while they are here with us.

What’s a typical day like for you?

A typical day for me is coming into work, getting the building all set up and ready for the day, checking in with our team and updating them on anything new, overseeing the operations of the tours and retail shop, continuing with office work when possible and then as the day ends, cashing up and closing the shop and tour route.

Our days can vary once we do get going. Here at the Royal Mint Experience, each day keeps us on our toes!

Do you work with a wider team? If so, tell us a bit about them.

We have a wider team of around 7 of us in the office, and then a further 18 tour guides and retail staff. We have a wonderful team who really pull together and help each other out, we are lucky in this sense.

Royal Mint Experience

What do you find inspiring day-to-day? What keeps the enthusiasm going?

Each and every customer comes to us with a unique story of why they are interested in The Royal Mint, as we are on their journey to us in return. These stories inspire and enlighten us, keeping us curious and clued into the likes and dislikes of our audience.

Any interesting or funny anecdotes related to your role or your experiences with visitors that you can share?

I think our day to day is quite interesting and different, but I think the funniest part for me is when some customers contact us saying that they are struggling with travelling to us and are unsure where to go, only to find out that they had travelled to The Tower of London, the home of our original Mint, instead of our current Mint in the South Wales Valleys!

What do you think makes the Great West Way special?

I think the Great West Way is an incredible way of bringing people’s attention to some of the amazing attractions and activities that we have, potentially on our doorsteps that we might not have been aware of before. There is something for everyone along the Great West Way, and I think that is such a special thing.

Bristol Harbour

Do you have any insider tips or advice for travelers who want to experience the touring route ‘like a local’?

Don’t be afraid to explore a new area that you might not have been interested in before, because you never know what you might find along the journey.

Describe your perfect adventure on the Great West Way:

My perfect adventure along the Great West Way would probably be a trip to Bristol to see a show at the Bristol Hippodrome! During my most recent visit to Bristol, I was lucky enough to catch the tour of Beauty and the Beast there and it was outstanding. The Hippodrome offers so much to their guests and is a definite must visit.

What’s your favourite thing to eat or drink along the touring route (can be a meal, a local delicacy or a favourite tipple)? Any cafes, restaurants, or pubs you can recommend?

The Pump Room in Bath for afternoon tea is a treat! Bath around Christmas time for the Christmas markets is a must see also, the food and drink available is incredible!

Are you a city, town or country person?

I am 100% a city person, but I do love being home amongst the country now and then.

Royal Crescent Bath

If you could choose one must-visit attraction along the Great West Way, what would it be and why?

Other than The Royal Mint Experience, I would say… I love being around the Bath and Bristol areas, and there is so much to see and do here. I enjoy a walk up to The Royal Crescent, a visit to the Jane Austen Centre or a look inside the Roman Baths.

What do you think will surprise first-time visitors about the Great West Way? Any secret, lesser-visited spots you’d like to recommend?

As the Royal Mint Experience is located in Wales, within easy reach of the Great West Way, I would suggest travelling over to us if you can, to see what we have to offer!

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